
Monday, February 05, 2007

I *heart* Minneapolis

And maybe no one checks this,
but here goes.

I was reading an un published blog entry I wrote during my first days back in good ole Minneapolis. Feeling fractured from so much change, my frustration filled the lines. Who am I? What am I doing? And why?

You know, those questions you're supposed to ask when you're twenty.

But I've settled into a routine and feel much better now, thanks. Got the job. Got the school schedule situated. Got the bus route in brain. It felt like my life was a balloon someone kept filling with experience-air. They breathed strong, expanding my little life into something bigger, bigger. My mind stretched and grew, fitting into its new size with ease. Coming home to Minneapolis was like someone pricked the balloon, letting all that experience-air fill my room. I had to mend the balloon.

So in other words, I felt a bit deflated upon [my American] arrival.

Roommate Piffle tells me that I like to write about myself. And it's true, I do. Was going through a phase where I made a conscious decision to experience. That's it. No more, no less. Don't think, just do. And then write all about it.

This is all well and good, but there comes a point when one must process all of these things. Must think about the past 19 roommates and the travelin' and the college classes. Use the brain Mom and Dad pay twenty grand a year to expand. Write about someone besides me, Kristi Gee. Here marks the start of change. Time to think...

Well okay. I feel I've rambled enough. Except to say: It is Cold here, so my roommates and I decided yesterday to spend the day outside. On a frozen lake. We visited the Art Shanty Projects on Lake MacDonald, which was fun for a few minutes. It was neat. Check it out.


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