
Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A Pause in Posts

Well, maybe this pause has been more like a (nine months) pregnant pause...

This past week has been a blur of Christmas parties, going away get-togethers, final tests, final papers, last time seeing Hyde Park, last time seeing my Texan friends. Last times of everything, it feels like. This is all very sad as it has felt altogether too fast. Funny how time works.

Countdown three days left in London. I would like to say I cannot believe it, but I can. I can feel the strain of the two to one exchange, of the weekend travels, of the living four women in one room. Walk down a Kensington hallway and you too will hear it in the long-distance phone calls, those quieted frustrated conversations.

Between two people.

Am I ready? They ask. I reply no. Because I am not. I like Europe. I like both the mindset and the average lifestyle. London, I can take or leave. The loads of culture are nice. The crowds of people are not.

I am writing in a rush because I must leave for work soon. My exit interview is this afternoon. This is where Jim Sells will tell me all about my failures as an office worker. Is there a reason I cannot seem to figure out a spreadsheet? How can I spot a grammar error with my eyes shut, but have not the first clue when it comes to the budget of a non profit? Or invoices, finances, and a laundry list of other office tasks. But hey, they tell me that learning abroad is mostly about learning about yourself. Here is what I have learned:

Kristi Gee is not an office worker. Try as she might - and does she ever - she will never be happy at a desk doing finances. Well she might be happy, but man will she make a mess of it.

So there you have it folks: Three month of unpaid work that I am virtually incapable of doing!

That's an overstatement. I think I'm just nervous for this final appraisal. Must go drink something warm and soothing like green tea. Will finish this later. Also, London photog journey is in the works. Happy day!


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